
TechRepublic Premium was at Snowflake Summit 2023, the company’s annual user conference held in Las Vegas, June 26-29.

In this feature, learn about Snowflake’s data strategies, how it is expanding generative AI LLM vocabulary and its latest joint product integrations with Microsoft.

From the download:

Snowflake chairman and CEO Frank Slootman kicked off Snowflake Summit 2023 in Las Vegas with a personal address designed to fuel the audience with energy and enthusiasm for his firm’s core platform and tools.

“It’s almost like the letters A and I are the only two letters left in the alphabet right now, so I will be sparing with my use of them,” joked Slootman. “But we do always say that in order to have an AI strategy [as a business], you need to have a solid data strategy in place as your operational foundation in order to enable the ‘AI factories’ that businesses want to create today.”

Snowflake’s data strategy of course hinges around its “Data Cloud” technology proposition. Slootman explained how his firm is now focused on un-siloing the data enterprises encounter in their everyday course of business. These silos are created when new applications are introduced, when companies (or even teams or departments) merge or for any number of reasons when information disconnects happen.


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