
Data analytics is undoubtedly the future of the marketing profession. Businesses spent $3.9 billion on marketing analytics in 2021 and that figure is likely to reach $14.3 billion by 2031.

Big data technology has led to tremendous changes in the marketing realm in recent years. A growing number of businesses are turning to marketing agencies that know how to utilize data analytics for optimal results.

One of the biggest ways that companies are using big data is by fine-tuning their SEO strategies. Kevin Payne wrote an article in the Wishpond blog about the benefits of using data analytics to optimize SEO strategies. Unfortunately, many companies have a limited understanding of big data technology, so they need to rely on marketing agencies that have a thorough knowledge of it.

Data-Driven SEO Agencies Help Businesses Boost their Bottom Line

Keeping ahead of the competition. That should be one of your key activities as a business. If you’re ahead of others in your industry, you’re more likely to win the available opportunities. That might mean contacting more leads. It could look like owning the advertising space. A definite way of staying ahead is being above them on Google. That’s where you need SEO.

Lots of businesses try to run their own SEO campaigns. Many of them have a really good go. They send their latest digital marketing coordinator on a course. They write a few articles using keywords. They may even dabble in using schema or generate a few backlinks. The fact of the matter is that a self-run SEO campaign that’s not managed by someone who knows SEO inside-out will never compete with an agency. These companies need to know how to use data analytics to get the best results when developing SEO strategies, including using data-driven strategies to optimize product pages.

An SEO agency will be more effective and efficient than an internal attempt. Usually, an attempt by someone who is already managing your email marketing, social media, and creating content… In this article, we will share the five reasons you should let an agency handle your SEO.

  • Is using an SEO agency cost-effective?
  • What does an SEO agency usually do for their money?
  • Why are agencies better than in-house attempts at SEO?

1. Expertise and Experience

SEO agencies are going to be far more experienced than you at SEO. These agencies have spent years honing their craft. Learning the nuances and intricacies of an ever-evolving beast. It takes years to understand what’s required and how to succeed at SEO. This experience translates into expertise. Expertise that allows agencies to develop complex strategies tailored for your business.

You’ll also find that the expertise and experience don’t come in the form of one person. SEO agencies such as Spacebar Collective employ a team of people who are specialists in what they do. That might be the technical side of SEO, the content, or the outreach processes for link creation. It takes a diverse set of skills to get the best results. Chances are, your business won’t have these skills on hand. 

2. Staying Ahead of The Algorithm

SEO constantly changes. What worked five years ago absolutely doesn’t work now. Often, the case is that what worked last month won’t work now. Google and other search engines often change their algorithm and ranking signals. It’s the job of the agency to keep an ear to the ground and research what methods are working best since an update. It’s also their job to ensure your site isn’t hampered by algorithm updates.

Keeping on top requires the latest technology and a great deal of time and energy.

3. Comprehensive SEO Services

We’ve mentioned above that there are lots of different facets to SEO. An agency will typically employ roles such as:

  • SEO Strategist
  • Content Creator
  • Technical SEO Specialist
  • Link Building and Outreach Specialist
  • Keyword Research Analyst
  • SEO Analyst
  • Account Manager
  • UI/UX Designers
  • Web Developers

These are just the key roles at an agency. Bear in mind that these could all easily be full-time jobs. When you work with an agency, you’re working with a whole team of experts.

4. Reporting

SEO agencies live for their analytical data. They track every keyword a website ranks for: the positions, the changes, the links, everything. They need sophisticated tools and software to be able to do this. Software that you’re unlikely to want to invest in for just one side of your strategy.

There’s a lot of information related to SEO. Agencies can absorb it all, interpret it, and then explain it in a detailed report.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

If we look at the cost of hiring an entire SEO team to manage your individual campaign, it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Compare that to some comprehensive packages offered by agencies, and you’ll quickly see how cost-effective it is to work with an agency.

It’s also often easy to scale when working with an agency. As campaigns progress and your business grows, you can increase the service level. All you’ll need to do is have a quick conversation with your account manager.

Key Takeaways

If you’re planning on taking SEO seriously, then you need to be working with an agency. Trying to maintain your own campaign in-house isn’t just expensive. It’s never going to be as efficient or as effective as working with a specialist agency.

  • When comparing agencies, ask for case studies related to your industry.
  • Leverage the expertise of an SEO agency to stay in front of the competition.
  • Working with an SEO agency is far more affordable than employing an in-house team.


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