Day: July 31, 2023


Patchwork Hackers Target Chinese Research Organizations Using EyeShell Backdoor

[ad_1] Jul 31, 2023THNCyber Espionage / Malware Threat actors associated with the hacking crew known…

Fruity Trojan Uses Deceptive Software Installers to Spread Remcos RAT

[ad_1] Jul 31, 2023THNMalware / Cyber Threat Threat actors are creating fake websites hosting trojanized…

AVRecon Botnet Leveraging Compromised Routers to Fuel Illegal Proxy Service

[ad_1] Jul 31, 2023THNNetwork Security / Botnet More details have emerged about a botnet called…

Multiple Flaws Found in Ninja Forms Plugin Leave 800,000 Sites Vulnerable

[ad_1] Jul 31, 2023THNWebsite Security / WordPress Multiple security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in the…